Aid for Transparent Trade

Political support for ‘Aid for Trade’ initiatives continues to grow, both because their nature and impact is becoming more widely understood and because the reality of persistent sluggish global economic growth and tighter government budgets mean that today resources must often be deployed to pursue multiple objectives simultaneously.   The sceptics of ‘Aid for Trade’ … More Aid for Transparent Trade

Uganda Celebrates Trade Facilitation Partners

As a blog that advocates the advantages of opening up trade to serve development objectives we are always looking for examples of case studies where governments and their partners are able to demonstrate impact. The measuring of this impact has become particularly important in recent times because while developed nations remain committed to spending 0.7% … More Uganda Celebrates Trade Facilitation Partners

Africa Powering Ahead With Free-Trade Areas

In 2010 it took three weeks for a shipping container to travel the 1,100m from the port of Mombasa to Kampala, the Ugandan capital. These delays were predominantly the result of unnecessary red tape between the two countries and poor infrastructure. 6 years on the development community seems to have recognised that by boosting trade … More Africa Powering Ahead With Free-Trade Areas